
  • 請選擇語言
  • 中文版
  • English
  • Chairman Speech

    We are deeply aware that every investor's money is hard won
    We are more aware of the urgency and prudence of every entrepreneur.
    Because investment is a choice
    Investment is a game
    Investment needs courage
    So it depends on success or not.
    The judgment of the market
    The grasp of the product
    Choice of partners
    And whether the direction of investment is right or not, and the heart of an effort to fight for the cause
    The world's investors are different
    Smart investors know how to invest
    Smart investors are well versed in the true meaning of a small and broad sense
    What good investors are concerned about is what to invest in
    A reason to believe you for having heard it many times even woman and children all know
    The weak will always wait for the opportunity
    The wise man always holds the opportunity
    The strong will always create opportunities
    Today's world is really changeable
    The wealth myth is constantly emerging from the old
    15 years ago, who dared think that there would be so many cars in the family in China today
    And when we enjoy the great benefits of change
    When we relish the story of the wealth of Heroes
    Are we supposed to think about it
    Why did someone make the dream of wealth in a time of rapid change
    And some people are unaware of their wealth.
    Business opportunities and change symbiosis
    Coexistence of wealth and momentum
    Who is the first to perceive the change
    Who was the first to predict the situation
    Who is the first to put it into action
    Who is a wealth hero
    Now would you please turn to relax
    The high state energy series will give you a bright eye.
    It will give you a chance to get a chance of success
    It will help you to achieve your own
    Wealth and dream
    郸城县| 屯昌县| 尼木县| 天气| 彭山县| 彭阳县| 涿州市| 方城县| 北京市| 搜索| 丰原市| 惠东县| 蓬莱市| 盱眙县| 阜南县| 陇川县| 金堂县| 宣城市| 柳河县| 三穗县| 海门市| 怀集县| 密云县| 古田县| 台中县| 罗甸县| 灵宝市| 民勤县| 唐河县| 双城市| 侯马市| 渝北区| 高淳县| 镇原县| 广宗县| 牟定县| 河津市| 吴川市| 隆回县| 米泉市| 东兴市|